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Welcome to Chez Michel.

Please feel free to browse these recipes that are mostly recipes I have found in books or on the net and have cooked myself.

In many cases I have adjusted the recipes so they work with my cooker and my ingredients.

In some cases the recipes are an amalgamation of two or more recipes I have found in books or on the net.

Most of the recipes have been successful although there may be one or two that I wouldn't cook again. In general, I do not keep recipes that failed completely.

In a few cases I note where the recipe originated from, such as the person or the place, but in any event I do not claim copyright and intend the recipes to be used by myself or my family to repeat dishes in the future.

Some of these recipes are based on recipes that have been put in the public domain through publication in a book or on the net by another party. I believe that party chose to share the recipes for the public to use for their own cooking which is what this site intends also. All of the recipes that these are based on have been willingly shared with the public and none are from any private sites.

Bon appetit!