Start the buttermilk off the night before – it could need 24 hours to be ready for use.


  • 1 off carton of Cultured Buttermilk – 285ml
  • 2 off large bottles of Whole Milk – 4.5 litres
  • 30 shakes of Vegeren rennet


    • The night before take the buttermilk carton from the fridge and un-stick the lid. Leave at 20degC overnight until the buttermilk gets the consistency of yoghurt.
    • Put milk in a very large pan and heat slowly to 31 degC
    • Add the whole carton of buttermilk
    • Stir and bring back to 31 degC then leave for 45 minutes keeping at 29 to 31 degC
    • Take off a bowl of milk and shake in about 30 shakes (you get large drops) of Vegeren. Quickly stir and drizzle into the milk stirring continuously for 1 minute with a whisk.
    • Leave to stand for 45 minutes maintaining temperature at 29 to 31 degC until a clean break is achieved. You can start testing after 20 minutes. A clean break is when a cut doesn’t heal but fills with green whey.
    • When a clean break is achieved cut down and across to form ½ inch columns of curd. Leave to stand for 10 minutes.
    • Stir gently and intermittently for 20 minutes to keep the curds apart.
    • Then let the curds rest for 5 minutes and they should sink to the bottom.
    • Remove 1.5 litres of whey with a spoon.
    • Add back 1.5 litres of water at 55 degC and test that the mixture has a temperature of 38 degC. Gently apply heat if needed.
    • Stir gently and intermittently for 30 minutes breaking any large lumps of curd.
    • Then leave to settle for 5 minutes.
    • Drain off whey until curds are only just covered.
    • Apply first gentle press. Use the inner pan of the spaghetti pan and two-thirds-fill one of the milk bottles to use as a weight.