

  • 170g (6oz) self raising flour
  • 115g (4oz) caster sugar
  • 85g (3oz) butter or margarine
  • 115g (4oz) sultanas or raisins
  • 4 tablespoons of condensed milk
  • A little extra butter to grease the baking tray


    • Combine the flour and sugar in a large bowl, then chop in the butter.
    • Continue mixing the flour, sugar and butter until it is well blended, at which point it will start to look like breadcrumbs.
    • Stir in the fruit and condensed milk at which point it will start to come together and form into one mass.
    • Put your spoon to one side and use your hands to kneed it into a large single ball in the bottom of the bowl.
    • Once fully-formed, take off small pieces, each slightly smaller than a golf ball. You should get around 18 portions from this mix.
    • Roll them between your palms and then press them slightly flat.
    • Lay them on the baking tray and place them into a pre-heated oven at 180 degrees C (Gas mark 4).
    • Bake for around 10 minutes, by which time they should have flattened slightly, spread slightly and browned slightly.
    • Remove them from the oven and lay out on a rack to cool.



    Category: Sweets as in Candy not Desserts
    Hits: 1747