

  • 200g/7oz good quality dark chocolate which contains at least 70% cocoa
  • 200g/7oz double or whipping cream
  • small amount unsalted butter(optional, butter gives the truffles a longer shelf life)
  • cocoa powder, for dusting
  • It would be good to have a cooking thermometer to check the temperature of your truffle mixture during preparation.


    • Finely chop your chocolate to achieve an even melting.
    • Cut your unsalted butter into small hazelnut-sized pieces and again bring it up to room temperature at 20C/68F. But do not allow the butter to melt.
    • Warm your mixing bowl to about 37C/99F or a little higher, it should feel hand hot.
    • Heat your whipping or double cream gently until just boiling. Immediately drizzle a quarter of the cream into the centre of your chocolate. Mix the cream into the chocolate to make the ganache, add more cream a little at a time, gradually working outwards as the mixture develops just like mayonnaise.
    • Blend in your softened butter when your mixture is just about 37C/99F. You should aim to achieve the consistency of mayonnaise to ensure a perfect result.
    • Cool your mixture at 15C/59F, overnight in a cool airy room is best.
    • Form your desired truffle shape.
    • Dip into liquid tempered chocolate if you want to keep the truffles for more than two days and finally roll in cocoa powder. Or simply roll in cocoa powder and eat!



      Category: Sweets as in Candy not Desserts
      Hits: 1573