
  • 8 small/medium potatoes
  • 1.5 lb. Raclette Cheese
  • Buendnerfleisch (cut in paper thin slices)
  • 1 jar pickled gherkin cucumbers (cornichons)
  • 1 jar pickled onions
  • freshly ground pepper
  • paprika


  • Wash potatoes and boil in a pot filled with salted water for about 20 min.
  • Leave the skin on! Test with a knife if the potatoes are done.
  • Keep warm until ready to use in an insulated potato basket.

In the meantime

  • remove the rind of the cheese and cut into 1/16' thick slices using an adjustable wire slicer.
  • Arrange gherkins, onions, and Buendnerfleisch on a platter and set aside until required.
  • Turn raclette on to begin to heat up (allow for at least 5 minutes before using).

For Raclette grills:

  • Each guest takes a slice of cheese, places it in their pan and slides it under the raclette grill to melt.
  • It takes approximately 2 minutes to melt to a creamy consistency and 3 minutes for a more crispier top.
  • In the meantime take a potato, place onto your plate and cut it into a few pieces, remove the pan from under the grill once it's reached its preferred consistency and hold the pan onto its side to scrape the cheese out, using your wooden spatula.

For Raclette melter,

  • each guest prepares potatoes and side dishes on their plates. When the cheese starts melting on the wheel, scrape the cheese onto the plate. Season to taste with freshly ground pepper and paprika.