680g/1½lbseating apples, peeled, cored and chopped
½orange, juice and zest only
100g/3½ozcaster sugar
freshlygrated nutmeg, to taste
1handful dried cranberries
6-8sheets ready-made filo pastry
55g/2ozbutter, melted and cooled, plus extra for greasing
2tbsp dried breadcrumbs
Preheat the oven to 190C/375F/Gas 5.
Soak the dried cranberries in a little brandy or rum.
Soak the sultanas in brandy or rum.
Place the apple, orange juice and zest, sugar, cranberries, nutmeg and sultanas into a large bowl and mix well.
Brush each sheet of filo pastry with melted butter, then place the sheets of pastry on top of each other onto a large sheet of greaseproof paper.
Sprinkle the top sheet of filo with some dried breadcrumbs, then spoon the apple mixture down the middle of the filo sheet.
Carefully roll the pastry up around the filling like a cigar, using the greaseproof paper to help.
Place the filo roll onto a greased baking tray, brush with any remaining melted butter and cook for 30-40 minutes, until lightly browned and the filling is hot.